Entradas para el concierto de Theodor kurentzis y el coro musicAeterna "schnitke en poemas de Grigor narekatsi"

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Sobre el evento

Schnittke's choral concert on the poems of Grigor Narekatsi performed by musicAeterna will take place on September 11 at the Saratov Conservatory named after L. V. Sobinov.

The premiere of Schnittke's concert on the poems of the Armenian philosopher and theologian Grigor Narekatsi, performed by the musicAeterna choir under the direction of conductor Teodor Currentzis, took place in Moscow in the fall of 2020. The concert was successfully performed in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, 2 years later it was heard in Yerevan, and now it will open the Sobinov Festival in Saratov. This year it will be dedicated to the composer’s 90th anniversary, and it is logical that one of his most important works will be performed on the opening day.

Tickets for Schnittke's choral concert with poems by Grigor Narekatsi performed by musicAeterna - an introduction to the mature stage in the composer's work. The concert premiered in 1986, and 4 years earlier he converted to Catholicism, while confessing to an Orthodox priest. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the textual basis of the concert was the “Book of Sorrowful Songs,” written by the Armenian poet Grigor Narekatsi in the 10th century. Chapter 3, entitled “The Word to God Coming from the Depths of the Heart,” was chosen for the concert. The four sections of this chapter became the four parts of the concert.

Schnittke created one of the most soulful works that literally hypnotizes listeners, even those who are far from religious life. Repentance and purification, a mixture of musical traditions from different countries, sorrow and joy - this work is distinguished by an amazing wealth of moods and creative techniques.

This concert brings together professional musicians and simply connoisseurs of classical music, people of different ages, professions, different faiths and beliefs - unites in one impulse that was understandable both to those who lived a thousand years ago and to our contemporaries. This impulse is hot and sincere - to find the path to salvation, purification, and ultimately - the path to God.

The work was written to be performed by a choir a cappella, that is, without musical accompaniment.

Tickets for Schnittke's choral concert with poems by Grigor Narekatsi performed by musicAeterna

On our website today you can buy tickets for Schnittke’s concert on the poems of Grigor Narekatsi and attend the festival dedicated to the composer’s anniversary. To order, simply indicate the required number of seats, your phone number and email address. Just a minute to pay, and electronic tickets for this musical event will appear in your mail.

Preguntas y respuestas

Invitamos al concierto «schnitke sobre los poemas de Grigor narekatsi», que se celebrará el 11 de septiembre de 2024. ¡No te pierdas la oportunidad de ver la hermosa producción de musicAeterna y Theodor courentzis!

En el Conservatorio estatal de Saratov que lleva el nombre De L. V. sobinov, se proyectará un concierto Coral de schnitke, creado con texto de Grigor narekatsi. Esta composición es una síntesis única de culturas musicales de diferentes pueblos y épocas, combina el canto de la bandera rusa, técnicas de composición que recuerdan a la polifonía de Bach, las armonías de las primeras voces europeas y los tonos únicos de la paleta musical Armenia. Te invitamos a la puesta en escena del coro musicAeterna bajo la dirección de Theodor courentzis. Ven a la dirección en Saratov: Prospekt Peter Stolypin, 1.

Los precios para el concierto Coral "schnitke en poemas de Grigor narekatsi" varían según el lugar en la sala. Puede comprar boletos en nuestro sitio web, donde se ofrece una selección conveniente de asientos y un pago seguro en línea. Puede verificar la relevancia de los precios de las ubicaciones seleccionadas en la etapa de selección de ubicaciones antes de completar la compra.

Puedes comprar entradas para el concierto Coral "schnitke en los poemas de Grigor narekatsi" en esta página. Elija asientos en el auditorio del Conservatorio estatal de Saratov y su método de pago preferido. Los boletos comprados se enviarán a la dirección de correo electrónico especificada.
